I agree that marriage is a good instutition, on which is desirable. However, we cannot simply tell people to marry, or even worse bribe them to get married as Cameron's Conservatives wish to do.
The Tories have basically sought to blame Labour for there being 'broken families' and high levels of single parents. Conservative paternalism saying that we should marry. The Tories seem to think that we should marry because somehow marriage will stop broken families and so on. Rubbish, all bribing people to marry will do is cause more marriages of convenience and more unhappy marriages.
You cannot tell people to get married, that is a personal choice for people, not something for Government to control by diktat. People should marry out of love, not due to a diktat and bribe from westminster. Cameron wants tax incentives for marriage, all that will lead to is an increase in marriages of convenience, where people will marry just to pay less tax. People should marry for love, not money, by giving such incentives for marriage people will marry for money, not love. He reeled off a load of stats about marriage breakups, things i didn't know, like i think he said 50% of marriages are over by the child's 5th Birthday (that can't be right, stat seems far too big), then he thinks that by basically bribing people to get married (coincidently something that both Mussolini and Hitler did) that marriges will last longer! However, the Tories did say one thing that i agree with, that there needs to be a cultural shift towards marrige and fatherhood etc... things that i agree with, the fact that they are more conservative social values is irrelavent, the truth is that they are good things, socially desirable things which should be in place. Family and familyhood are great things, we need to encourage a sense of family, it will only be good. But, this isn't acheived by government diktat and tax exemptions which are tantamount to bribery.
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