Labour's majority was reduced by over 7% with a 5¼% swing to the Lib Dems, with the Tories again in 3rd, God it is good to see the Tories doing badly! The Greens had a decent result, finishing in fourth followed by George Galloway’s Respect Party (hate the man and i am so glad that he has been banned from the Commons for i think it is 17 days), UKIP, the Christian Party, an Independent, the Monster Raving Loony Party, English Democrats and two more Independents.
I was slightly surprised that the Fascist BNP didn't do better, as normally in places with a large migrant community, such as Ealing, you get a few racist, disenfranchised bigoted white van men sorts who turn to the far right. Glad to see that such people were in short supply, guess they may have voted for the EDP or some of the independents.

In Balir's old constituency we also won, as was expected, but with a big fall in our majority.
Phil Wilson, but Labour saw its majority drop by 14% with an 11% swing towards the Lib Dems who leapfrogged the Tories to take second place with the fascist BNP doing rather well coming in fourth place, rather worrying eh?
These are not just good results for Labour. They are historic.
Third term Governments traditionally don't win by-elections - after ten years in office the Tories lost EVERY by election until they were finally kicked out in 1997.
To have won two by elections on the same night with over 40 per cent of the vote is a huge boost for Gordon Brown - and an indictment on David Cameron's poor judgement.
Hope you enjoyed your Duke of Edinburgh event...
Thanks, my DofE was good. Well, it was crap, yet enjoyable.
Thing about these 2 by-elections is that they were both Labour safe seats. Had Labour lost either it would have been a disaster.
I think that the loss in terms of votes and majority for us is to be expected, not only as it is a by-election, but also because it was a by-election.
As for the success of the BNP, apparently the local paper printed an ad for them, didn't do enough to uncover their true nature, and then gave the money from the ad to charity. Farcical.
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