Friday, 6 July 2007

Government of all the talents.

What is all this about? Trying to get Lib-Dems in. Seems a bit cunning to me. To be honest i am ill at ease with the idea. Also, if i were a backbench Labour MP I would be so pissed at being overlooked. In fact just as a party member I am annoyed, don't we have good enough MP's?

Whay have we got people like Digby Jones in the cabinet. He is by no strech of the immagination a socialits and as the bias socialist worker point out, he has a history of union abuse ( , not unsuprising from a former boss of the CBI. To be so hostile to the unions, and to be a Labour minister is peverse, especially as the Labour party was founded by the trade unions, traditionally having more of a trade unionist ideology than a socialist one. Anyway, this bringing in outsidres all seems a bit odd to me. But if it means we win the next election then I won't complain too much, just so long as it doesn't last too long. How about labour MP's in a labour givernment, not outsiders appointed by Lordships of convenience.

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