Good ol'Dave has been telling Andrew Marr how he can 'mend society'. What a prat.
He was also blabbing on about how the current cabinet is the same as the last one, saying that they are the people who have been running things for the past 10 years. Not true, since 1997 there are only 3 people who have been in every cabinet, Brown, Straw and Darling. Browns new key men, people like Ed Miliband, Ed Balls etc... are in cabinet for the first time now. Such people have been running things for Brown for a long time, but they haven't been running the country as Cameron says. In fact, Blair is the one who ran the country alone for the past 10 years, showing utter disregard for both Parliament and the Cabinet. Hence, even if Cameron was correct in saying Browns cabinet was Blair's cabinet, even so his second assertion is wrong, for cabinet hasn't ran the country, Blair has! Showing contempt for both his cabinet and the commons. Something which wasn't always bad.
Also, Cameron said he was trying to do the 'right thing' several times, who does that sound like? What is up with this prat? He is trying to copy Blair, yet we all know that deep down, smiley Dave is a bigoted Thatcherite Tory. He hasn't got a clue, he just says what he thinks people want to hear, well guess what Dave, we want to hear what you actually think and what you actually want to do, not what you think we want you to do. You cannot win by lying and being a camelion.
Cameron also tried to take credit for Brown reviving cabinet Government - eh? How the hell can he do that? PRAT. Marr was funny, he said to Cameron "this must be frustrating for you, you are turning into Gordon Browns thinktank!" Cameron ignored him, then started to say Brown's constutitional proposals were a total failure - yet didn't he say he suggested them?
Cameron started talking bull about the environment and the NHS saying that both were better in Tory hands. The Tories wouldn't manage the NHS better, not in a million years! Also, on the environment, he said that the Tories were the ones who brought it to the political agenda. - I seem to remember the Lib-Dems have been banging on about this for ages, also there was talk of a Draft Climate change bill well before Cameron came to lead the Tories.
Also Cameron said that the only way to get change from the Blair years was to vote Tory. So, tell me if i have got this right, Cameron says he is the only real change form Blair, yet he also said that he and his party were the true standard bearers of Balirism. Cameron said that his party would be the true inheritors of Balirism. Yet he then says that his party are a party of change. You what?!
He then went on to say how crime was so high - CRIME HAS FELL UNDER LABOUR! He also said that schools were failing - SCHOOLS ARE BETTER THAN THEY EVER HAVE BEEN, investment in schools is up, as is school attainment, kids are doing better than ever before - why, because teaching is better (not because exams are easier, that is a load of bull) and schools are better than ever.
Cameron also basically blamed Labour for there being 'broken families' and high levels of single parents. What is he on? He then had a paternalistic rant wherein he basically said more people should be married, that if you ain't married then you should have some form of punishment. You cannot tell people to get married, that is a personal choice for people, not something for Government to control by diktat. Cameron wants tax incentives for marriage, all that will lead to is an increase in marriages of convenience, where people will marry just to pay less tax. People should marry for love, not money, by giving such incentives for marriage people will marry for money, not love. He reeled off a load of stats about marriage breakups, things i didn't know, like i think he said 1 in 5 of marriages are over by the child's 5th Birthday, then he thinks that by basically bribing people to get married (coincidently something that both Mussolini and Hitler did) that marriges will last longer! However, he did say one thing that i agree with, that there needs to be a cultural shift towards marrige and fatherhood etc... things that i agree with, the fact that they are more conservative social values is irrelavent, the truth is that they are good things, socially desirable things which should be in place. Family and familyhood are great things, we need to encourage a sense of family, it will only be good. Then Cameron failed to tell us how he would do this, how he would create this change in values, typical eh.
Then when Marr asked Cameron about this policy detail, Cameon said "Hang on there Andrew, you are getting ahead of yourself there." He refused to give policy details, saying "i'm afraid you will have to wait for that". You are leader of a major political party, how about telling us what you would do in Government.
See Cameron interview on BBC.
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